San Joaquin County residents get free tax assistance from trained volunteers. Call 211 for an appointment.
Southern California Fires
Our thoughts are with Los Angeles community residents as they face firestorms and devastating conditions. Let’s do our best to prepare for weather emergencies such as flood and fire.
Looking for Funding for Projects that Improve Care and Services for Our Community?
Health Plan’s General Grant provides funding for projects and programs aligned with our goals. Check to see if you are eligible and apply today!
Looking for Funding for Projects that Improve Care and Services for Our Community?
Health Plan’s General Grant provides funding for projects and programs aligned with our goals. Check to see if you are eligible and apply today!
Health Plan is Committed to Investing in the People Who Improve Community Health
Our Doula/Community Health Workforce Recruitment Grant which provides resources and incentives for the recruitment and retention of essential healthcare professionals.
Health Plan is Committed to Investing in the People Who Improve Community Health
Our Doula/Community Health Workforce Recruitment Grant which provides resources and incentives for the recruitment and retention of essential healthcare professionals.