Welcome, how can we help you today?
Request an interpreter for your next doctor’s appointment.
Request member material about our programs and services
Schedule an over-the-phone or an in-person appointment

Welcome to the Health Plan customer service area, if you are a current member and would like help, then you are in the right place. We can help you schedule an over-the-phone or an in-person appointment, request an interpreter for your next doctor’s appointment and much more.

Contact us today!
Member Services Representatives are available to assist you Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Questions or comments about Health Plan? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

Customer Service

Advice Nurse Line


HealthReach 24/7 advice nurse line for members


Schedule an Appointment

Schedule an over-the-phone or an in-person appointment

Contact Health Plan


Find a list of all Health Plan telephone numbers here

Member Material

HPSJ Material

Request member material about our programs and services

Health Plan Locations

Our Locations

Health Plan has offices in French Camp, Modesto, and Placerville

Online Access

Member Account

Access your Health Plan information online, open an account now!

Medi-Cal Renewal


How can I renew my Medi-Cal to ensure I have coverage?

HIPAA Member Forms

Finding a Doctor is easy

Evidence of Coverage


Language Services

Interpretation & American Sign Language (ASL) Service –  COVID-19 Interim Plan

Health Plan understands your need to practice social distancing and minimize face-to-face office visits. One of our priorities is to ensure that our Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and hearing-impaired members continue to receive quality care from you.

The following will help you schedule interpretation services when there is a need during the COVID-19 outbreak –

  • Continue contacting Customer Service to schedule needed interpretation and ASL services; call 209-942-6320.
  • All in-person interpretation requests will be routed to our “Over the Phone Interpretation” (OPI) vendor.
  • For ASL services, we will arrange a video-based interpretation.

Language Services
All Health Plan members who speak languages other than English can ask for help. You have the right to no-cost interpreting, as well as American Sign Language. You do not have to use a friend or children to translate for you.

A translator can help you:

  • Listen to your doctor and tell you what he/she is saying in your language
  • Tell your doctor what you are saying

Need help getting a translator in your language? Call Health Plan’s Customer Service Department at 1-888-936-7526 (PLAN) TTY 711.

NOTE: If you want a person who speaks your language to help at your doctor’s visit, call Customer Service at least 5 (five) working days before your scheduled appointment.

We can help you:

  • Make an appointment
  • Talk to the Advice Nurse
  • Talk to your health care provider during your visit

We can also help you with:

  • Claims
  • Questions
  • Complaints
  • Referrals to community programs

Posted on March 23rd, 2020 and last modified on August 11th, 2024.
