HPSJ 2022-2023 Encounter Data Validation Study

Date: February 21, 2024
From: Health Plan
To: Health Plan of San Joaquin/Mountain Valley Health Plan (“Health Plan”) Provider Network
Type: Informational
Subject: HPSJ 2022-2023 Encounter Data Validation Study
Business: Medi-Cal Managed Care

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) contracts with Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG) annually to conduct an Encounter Data Validation (EDV) study. The EDV study evaluates the completeness and accuracy of encounter data through medical record review. DHCS provided the following results of the 2022-23 EDV study for Health Plan of San Joaquin (HPSJ). For most of the areas, HPSJ met the EDV study standards and had better rates than the statewide rates. We hope the helpful tips provided will be beneficial in improving the accuracy and completion of your encounters.

Medical Record Procurement Status

Plan Initial Sample Size Number of Records Submitted % of Records Submitted
HPSJ 411 393 95.6%+
Statewide Total 10.590 9,358 88.4%

Note: Medical record procurement rates greater than 90% are shaded in gray to show
that the EDV study standard was met.

Encounter Data Completeness
HSAG evaluates encounter data completeness by identifying differences between the electronic encounter data and the member’s medical records.

  • Medical record omission rate: the percentage of dates of service identified in the electronic encounter data that were not found in the members’ medical records
  • Encounter data omission rate: the percentage of dates of service from members’ medical records that were not found in the electronic encounter data

Medical Record Omission

Key Data Elements Denominator HPSJ Rate Statewide Rate
Date of Service 533 5.4%+ 8.6%+
Diagnosis Code 1,418 7.1%+ 11.5%
Procedure Code 1,119 10.8% 19.4%
Procedure Code Modifier 486 16.5% 28.3%
Rendering Provider Name 533 6.0%+ 9.1%+

Encounter Data Omission

Key Data Elements Denominator HPSJ Rate Statewide Rate
Date of Service 521 3.3%+ 3.7%+
Diagnosis Code 1,338 1.5%+ 2.1%+
Procedure Code 1,047 4.7%+ 8.5%+
Procedure Code Modifier 410 S+ 5.0%
Rendering Provider Name 517 3.1%+ 3.6%+

Note: For both omission rates, lower values indicate better performance. Omission rates of less than 10% are shaded in gray to show that the EDV study standards were met.

  • Areas of Opportunity: Rendering Provider Name, All-Element Accuracy, and All Element Accuracy Excluding Rendering Provider Name
  • Helpful Tips:
    Ensure appropriate Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) and Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes are used
    Ensure that the rendering provider name submitted to HPSJ matches the rendering provider name on the medical record
    Ensure the rendering provider name is legible in the medical record
    Ensure encounter data accuracy for all key data elements (i.e., Diagnosis Code, Procedure Code, Procedure Code Modifier, and Rendering Provider) to improve the all-element accuracy rate

Virtual Look and LearnIf you have any further questions, please contact your Provider Services Representative, or call our Customer Service Department at 1-888-936-PLAN (7526). You may also visit https://www.hpsj.com/alerts/ for online access to the documents shared. The most recent information about Health Plan and our services is always available on our website WWW.HPSJ-MVHP.ORG

Posted on February 22nd, 2024
