During California’s stay-at-home order, older Californians and other at-risk adults – especially those living alone — will likely need the help of their health plans, as well as family, friends, neighbors and community, to help them maintain basic needs like groceries and prescriptions, and much-needed social interaction and connection.

Health Plan of San Joaquin is here with support for the health care of our members and community. Here are some of the many other resources offered by government agencies, nonprofits, and social service organizations for our valued elders and those at-risk due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Senior Assistance

Food and more: The State is partnering with 211 in all communities to be a first stop for all local food and other human service needs, Dial 2-1-1.

For additional resources: United Samaritans Foundation/Stanislaus County, 209.668.4853

Aging & Adults services: The State’s Aging and Adults Info Line connects to local Area Agencies on Aging. Dial 1-800-510-2020

For general information on COVID-19, please visit the California COVID-19 Response webpage and the California Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 webpage.

Senior Assistance

Isolation: Resources are expanding in this area to meet urgent health risks from social isolation:

The Friendship Line, run by Institute on Aging, provides 24/7 connection and crisis line for older adults. Dial (888) 670-1360

Feeling Good & Staying Connected” is a new activity guide and weekly planner available from CDA in English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and Simple Chinese.

Additional resources on how to mitigate the stress-related health outcomes anticipated with the COVID-19 emergency can be found on www.ACEsAware.org.

Senior Assistance

Wellness Checks or Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation: The State’s Adult Protective Services line connects to county Adult Protective Services 24/7. Dial 1-833-401-0832

AARP Fraud Watch Network Helpline: AARP provides a free resource to the public for those targeted or who have fallen victim to a scam. Dial 1-877-908-3360

Alzheimer’s Helpline: The Alzheimer’s Association provides a free resource to the public 24/7 for help plus latest information and support for caregivers and those in the early stages of Alzheimer’s and related dementias. Dial 1-800-272-3900

Ask Alex About Alzheimer’s

Shorts to help those living with dementia. Click here for more.

Other Community Resources Available

Advice Nurse Line

Sometimes you need to talk to a nurse when you cannot talk to your doctor. The Advice Nurse helps you with any health problem you or someone in your family has. Click here for more information. Who has access to HealthReach? HPSJ members have access to HealthReach, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Call HealthReach

Posted on April 21st, 2020 and last modified on July 29th, 2022.
